Why is linking a dynamic library against a static library apparently easy on Windows but on Linux `-fPIC` makes that difficult?
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Why is linking a dynamic library against a static library apparently easy on Windows but on Linux `-fPIC` makes that difficult?

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Are you tired of wrestling with linker errors when trying to combine dynamic and static libraries on Linux? Do you wonder why Windows seems to make it a breeze, while Linux throws obstacles in your way? Fear not, dear developer, for today we’ll unravel the mysteries of `-fPIC` and why it’s the key to successfully linking a dynamic library against a static library on Linux.

The difference between dynamic and static libraries

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of `-fPIC`, let’s quickly review the main differences between dynamic and static libraries.

  • Dynamic libraries (shared libraries): These libraries are loaded into memory at runtime, allowing multiple applications to share the same library. Dynamic libraries have a `.so` extension on Linux and `.dll` on Windows. They’re ideal for sharing code between multiple applications.
  • Static libraries: These libraries are compiled into the application’s executable at build time, making the library code an integral part of the application. Static libraries have a `.a` extension on Linux and `.lib` on Windows. They’re great for including proprietary code or when you want absolute control over the library’s behavior.

The problem with linking a dynamic library against a static library on Linux

When you try to link a dynamic library against a static library on Linux, the linker will throw an error, complaining about undefined symbols or duplicate definitions. This is because the static library’s code is not compiled with position-independent code (PIC) in mind.

On Windows, this issue doesn’t arise because the OS uses a different linking model and libraries are typically compiled with PIC enabled by default.

What is position-independent code (PIC)?

The `-fPIC` compiler flag tells the compiler to generate PIC-compatible code. This flag is essential when creating dynamic libraries on Linux.

The solution: Using `-fPIC` when compiling the static library

To successfully link a dynamic library against a static library on Linux, you need to compile the static library with the `-fPIC` flag. This tells the compiler to generate PIC-compatible code, making it possible to link the static library against a dynamic library.

Here’s an example of how to compile a static library with `-fPIC`:

gcc -c -fPIC -Wall -Werror -fpic file1.c file2.c
ar rcs libmylib.a file1.o file2.o

In this example, we compile the `file1.c` and `file2.c` files with the `-fPIC` flag, and then create a static library archive `libmylib.a` using the `ar` command.

Now, when you link a dynamic library against this static library, the linker will be able to resolve the symbols correctly:

gcc -shared -o libmydynlib.so -L. -lmylib

In this example, we link the dynamic library `libmydynlib.so` against the static library `libmylib.a`, using the `-L.` flag to specify the current directory as the library path.

Why does Windows make it easy?

On Windows, the linking model is different from Linux. Windows uses the concept of import libraries, which allows dynamic libraries to be linked against static libraries more easily.

When you compile a static library on Windows, the compiler generates a corresponding import library (e.g., `mylib.lib`) that contains stubs for the exported functions. This import library is then used to link against the dynamic library.

Because Windows uses a different linking model, you don’t need to worry about PIC or `-fPIC` when compiling static libraries. This makes it easier to link dynamic libraries against static libraries on Windows.


In conclusion, linking a dynamic library against a static library on Linux requires careful attention to compiling the static library with PIC in mind. By using the `-fPIC` compiler flag, you can ensure that your static library is compiled with position-independent code, making it possible to link against a dynamic library.

Remember, when working with dynamic and static libraries on Linux, always keep the following in mind:

  • Compile static libraries with `-fPIC` to enable PIC.
  • Link dynamic libraries against static libraries using the `-L.` flag to specify the library path.

By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to successfully link dynamic libraries against static libraries on Linux, and avoid those pesky linker errors.

Library Type
PlatformCompile Flag
Linux Dynamic (shared) -fPIC (required)
Linux Static -fPIC (optional, but recommended)
Windows Dynamic (DLL) None (PIC enabled by default)
Windows Static (LIB) None (PIC enabled by default)

This table summarizes the key differences between Linux and Windows when it comes to compiling and linking dynamic and static libraries.

Now, go forth and conquer the world of libraries with confidence!

Frequently Asked Question

Ever wondered why linking a dynamic library against a static library is a breeze on Windows, but on Linux, the `-fPIC` flag makes it a whole different story?

What’s the main difference between dynamic libraries on Windows and Linux that affects linking with static libraries?

On Windows, dynamic libraries (DLLs) use a flat memory model, whereas on Linux, they use a shared memory model. This difference affects how the libraries are compiled and linked. Linux dynamic libraries require position-independent code (PIC) to ensure that the code can be relocated in memory, which is not a concern on Windows.

What does the `-fPIC` flag do, and why is it necessary on Linux?

The `-fPIC` flag tells the compiler to generate position-independent code, which allows the code to be relocated in memory. On Linux, this flag is necessary when compiling code that will be used in a dynamic library, as it ensures that the code can be safely relocated and shared among multiple processes.

Why don’t I need `-fPIC` on Windows when linking a dynamic library against a static library?

On Windows, the compiler (typically Visual Studio) takes care of generating position-independent code for you, so you don’t need to explicitly specify the `-fPIC` flag. This is because Windows dynamic libraries (DLLs) use a flat memory model, which doesn’t require PIC.

Can I use a static library compiled without `-fPIC` in a dynamic library on Linux?

No, you cannot use a static library compiled without `-fPIC` in a dynamic library on Linux. The static library would need to be recompiled with `-fPIC` to ensure that the code is position-independent and can be safely used in a dynamic library.

What are the consequences of not using `-fPIC` when compiling code for a dynamic library on Linux?

If you don’t use `-fPIC` when compiling code for a dynamic library on Linux, the resulting library may not be able to be loaded or may crash at runtime. This is because the code is not position-independent, and the dynamic linker may not be able to relocate it correctly.