Memcpy Specified Bound Exceeds Maximum Object Size – GCC Bug?
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Memcpy Specified Bound Exceeds Maximum Object Size – GCC Bug?

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Have you ever encountered the frustrating error message “Memcpy specified bound exceeds maximum object size” while compiling your C or C++ code? If so, you’re not alone! This error can be particularly puzzling, especially if you’re new to programming or haven’t encountered it before. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of memcpy and explore what this error means, why it occurs, and most importantly, how to fix it.

What is Memcpy?

Before we dive into the error, let’s quickly cover what memcpy is and why it’s essential in programming. Memcpy is a standard library function in C and C++ that copies a block of memory from one location to another. It’s a fundamental function used extensively in many applications, from operating systems to games. The syntax of memcpy is as follows:

void *memcpy(void *str1, const void *str2, size_t n);

In this syntax, str1 is the destination memory location, str2 is the source memory location, and n is the number of bytes to be copied.

The Error: Memcpy Specified Bound Exceeds Maximum Object Size

Now, let’s get back to the error message. When you encounter “Memcpy specified bound exceeds maximum object size,” it means that the number of bytes you’re trying to copy (n) exceeds the maximum size of the object being copied. This can happen in two scenarios:

  • Scenario 1: Invalid Memory Allocation
  • In this scenario, you’ve allocated memory using malloc or new, but the allocation size is smaller than the number of bytes you’re trying to copy. For example:

int *ptr = (int *)malloc(5 * sizeof(int));
  memcpy(ptr, source_array, 10 * sizeof(int));

In this case, you’ve allocated memory for 5 integers, but you’re trying to copy 10 integers, resulting in the error.

  • Scenario 2: Incorrect Object Size
  • In this scenario, you’ve correctly allocated memory, but the object size is smaller than the number of bytes you’re trying to copy. For example:

    struct MyStruct {
        int a;
        char b;
      MyStruct obj;
      memcpy(&obj, source_struct, sizeof(MyStruct) + 10);

    In this case, you’re trying to copy more bytes than the size of the MyStruct object, resulting in the error.

    Why is this a GCC Bug?

    Now, you might be wondering why this error is often referred to as a GCC bug. The reason is that the error message can be misleading, and the issue lies not with memcpy itself, but with the way GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) handles memory allocation and copying.

    In GCC, the maximum object size is limited to a certain value, typically around 4GB. When you try to copy more bytes than this limit, the compiler flags an error. However, this limit can be increased using the -mcmodel flag. For example:

    gcc -mcmodel=large -o output_file source_file.c

    This flag tells GCC to use a larger memory model, allowing you to copy more bytes. However, this is not a recommended solution, as it can lead to performance issues and increased memory usage.

    How to Fix the Error

    Now that we’ve explored the error and its causes, let’s focus on fixing it. Here are some steps to follow:

    1. Verify Memory Allocation
    2. Double-check your memory allocation to ensure that you’ve allocated sufficient memory for the number of bytes you’re trying to copy.

    3. Check Object Size
    4. Verify that the object size is correct and matches the number of bytes you’re trying to copy.

    5. Use Memcpy Correctly
    6. Make sure you’re using memcpy correctly, with the correct syntax and arguments.

    7. Avoid memcpy for Large Data
    8. If you’re dealing with large datasets, consider using alternative functions like memmove or strcpy, which are more efficient and reliable.

    9. Optimize Your Code
    10. Review your code and optimize it to reduce memory usage and improve performance.

    Examples and Use Cases

    Let’s take a look at some examples and use cases to illustrate how to use memcpy correctly:

    Example Description
    int arr[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
      int *ptr = (int *)malloc(5 * sizeof(int));
      memcpy(ptr, arr, 5 * sizeof(int));
    This example demonstrates correct usage of memcpy to copy an array of 5 integers from one location to another.
    struct MyStruct {
        int a;
        char b;
      MyStruct obj1, obj2;
      memcpy(&obj2, &obj1, sizeof(MyStruct));
    This example shows how to use memcpy to copy a struct from one location to another.


    In conclusion, the “Memcpy specified bound exceeds maximum object size” error is not a GCC bug, but rather a consequence of incorrect memory allocation or object size. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can fix this error and ensure that your code is reliable and efficient. Remember to always verify memory allocation, check object size, and use memcpy correctly to avoid this error in the future.

    By understanding the intricacies of memcpy and memory allocation, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a proficient programmer. Happy coding!

    Frequently Asked Question

    Get the lowdown on the “Memcpy specified bound exceeds maximum object size” bug in GCC and how to tackle it!

    What is the “Memcpy specified bound exceeds maximum object size” error in GCC?

    This error occurs when the GCC compiler detects that the memory copy operation (memcpy) is attempting to access memory beyond the maximum size of the object being copied. It’s a bug that can lead to undefined behavior, crashes, or even security vulnerabilities.

    Why does this error occur in GCC?

    This error is usually triggered by incorrect or incomplete code optimizations, where the compiler fails to properly track the object size or bounds. It can also occur when the memcpy function is used with a large buffer size or when the object being copied has a non-trivial constructor or destructor.

    How to fix the “Memcpy specified bound exceeds maximum object size” error?

    To resolve this error, review your code and ensure that the memcpy function is used correctly, with the correct buffer size and object bounds. You can also try using alternative memory copy functions like memcpy_s or std::copy, which provide additional bounds checking.

    Is this error specific to GCC or can it occur with other compilers?

    While this error is commonly associated with GCC, it’s not exclusive to it. Other compilers, such as Clang or MSVC, can also raise similar warnings or errors when detecting invalid memory access or buffer overflow vulnerabilities.

    How can I prevent this error from occurring in the future?

    To avoid this error, always ensure that your code is written with memory safety in mind. Use bounded memory functions, validate user input, and perform regular code reviews and testing. Additionally, consider using address sanitizer tools or static analysis tools to detect potential issues early on.